COVID 19 Protocol for Gynaecological & Infertility Consultations
Due to the developing COVID 19 pandemic, this practice is implementing strict medical and social distancing guidelines for patient and staff safety.
The current Australian Government Health guidelines suggest limiting face to face consultations to reduce the risk of transmission of COVID 19.
New medicare items numbers have been introduced temporarily to allow combined video and audio consultations for both metropolitan and nonmetropolitan areas. Patients must be seen on video for identification. Currently these new medicare numbers are for 3 months and must be bulk billed.
Dr Raymond is therefore offering telehealth consultations (as defined above) performed via Skype all of which will be Bulk Billed through Medicare. You can download Skype on to Android or iPhones for free. You will need to have Skype activated and open for your consultation
Urgent consultations requiring physical attendance will continue as normal.
Non-urgent gynaecological issues or routine post-operative consultations may be offered an alternative appointment at a later date.
1. New patients with new referral:
You will be offered an initial consultation via Skype. An urgent appointment will be offered in you need to be physically seen and examined after the Skype consultation
2. Return Gynae, post operative or infertility visits:
You will be offered a follow up consultation via Skype. Please indicate if you wish or need to see Dr Raymond in person. We would prefer that routine follow up visits be deferred at this time until the COVID 19 crisis has settled.
We would prefer that only the patient undergoing the examination attend the practice. Partners are welcome but will be advised to come into the examination room for only a short period to minimise the risk of transmission of COVID 19.
If you are experiencing symptoms of respiratory tract infection, fever, or cough please do not attend your appointment. Please call the surgery on (03) 4957 3899 or email your concerns to and we will get back to as soon as possible.